Common Windows Problems and Repairs

Invalid Backweb Application

When I log on to Windows, I get runner error "invalid backweb application, id 137903", how do i fix this?.

You have downloaded a program that contains spyware or adware. The spyware or adware has been removed but the program requires the spyware to be installed in order to run, without it you will get the Run Time error. This program runs on startup so you will have to uninstall the program that had the spyware associated with it. Run Msconfig from the Start > Run window and turn off the progam that you downloaded, or uninstall the program.

If you still cannot find the program do a search for files that contain the word "Backweb"

Changing the Windows logo screens
In Windows 95, 98, and ME the startup logo screen is controlled by the file C:\Logo.sys.If this file does not exist, Windows will load the default logo screen that is inside the file C:\IO.sys. The Please Wait and shut down screens are located in the Windows folder, they are Logos.sys and Logow.sys. If they do not exist Windows will load the default screens. ( words, not pictures). ME does not come with a Please Wait screen.

If no screens are seen you will need to remove the read only attribute from the file C:\Msdos.sys and edit the value Logo=1 if it is set to zero then no screens will be displayed. See the contents of the Msdos.sys File

In the Windows NT platform (NT, 2000, XP)the startup screens are in the Windows folder, named Lanma256.bmp,Lanmannt.bmp, Winnt.bmp, or Winnt256.bmp. They are loaded only if the file exists.

Date is not displayed correctly
If you have a problem where the date is not always displayed correctly on some programs you need to check in two places. In RegEdit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International a value name of "sShortDate" should display the format you want. Example "mm/dd/yy". If the value name "sShortDate" does not exist here then your machine is set to the default "m/d/yy". However you may wish to add the value name and a setting. You will also need to check the Win.ini file, look for the section "[intl]" and set sShortDate=mm/dd/yy or what ever format you wish. The Win.ini must have this entry

Context Menu slow to open
If your context menu (the menu appearing when you right click) is slow to appear (open) then you need to change the MenuShowDelay setting. In RegEdit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and fine the MenuShowDelay value. If it does not exist create a new string value and name it MenuShowDelay. The default setting is "400" lower it, or try setting it to "200"

Thumbnails will not display
In order for Windows to display Thumbnails, Windows creates a Desktop.ini file and adds it to the folder you want to have a thumbnail view. The value of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ Software\ Microsoft\ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Installer\ Products\ 9040B11900063D11C8EF00054038389C\ ProductNonBootFiles
is changed to "Usage"=dword:2c4c025a

Files such as BMP that you wish to display as thumbnails should have a shellex value pointing to
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\ CLSID\ {7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC} and the file
C:\WINDOWS\ SYSTEM32\ BROWSEUI.DLL must be present and not corrupted. This entry should look like "{7376D660-C583-11d0-A3A5-00C04FD706EC}" . BROWSEUI.DLL must be registered properly for the thumbnails to display.

Then on each folder for which you want Thumbnail view capabilities, you must right click the folder, select Properties and check the box Enable Thumbnail view.

Unable to copy and paste
If you ever find that you are unable to copy and paste in the Windows Explorer, open the Control Panel. Select the Internet Options applet and click on the Security tab. Then click on Custom Setting, find the option "Drag and copy or paste" and ensure that it is enabled.

Changing bulk entries in the Registry
Have you ever needed to change a lot of entries in the Registry.? Well here is a common problem when the Registry becomes corrupt. From a customer:
"... the numerous entries the Registry Drill has been finding which have a '?' in the path name, like this:

This is an invalid path. The question mark, "?" should be a colon, ":". The entries were probably made either by a corrupted setup program or by a corrupt Registry. The colon character was unreadable to RegEdit and it interprets the character as a question mark.

The easy way to repair this is to export the Registry to a text file. Open it in Wordpad and have Wordpad do a search and replace; search for "C?\\ and replace all with "C:\\. Then do it again but this time instead of seaching for "C?\\ search for (space)C?\\

Registry has errors every boot
Do you get the message "Windows encountered an error accessing the system Registry..." every time you boot to Windows 98 or ME? Here is a simple trick, first use the Ctrl-Alt-Delete button to close down the Windows Registry Checker. Then do a search on the Windows Drive for User.dat, normally you may find one in your profiles folder. If you do check the byte size, and if it is a zero byte file, Windows made a bad copy of it and wants to replace it but it cannot. It already backed up a bad copy. So just delete it, or replace it with the one in the Windows folder.

If no file is found and/or this does not cure the problem and you had the foresight to make an exported copy of the Registry prior to this you're now in great shape. You can now always replace the Registry with a new one. Move the file to your Windows folder and from a DOS prompt get to the Windows directory (folder). At the Windows Prompt type :
Smartdrv.exe /v and then press the Enter button. Then type :
RegEdit /c backup.reg (replace Backup.reg with the name of the file you named your export file)

You now have a new Registry database installed

Replacing Windows Splash Screens
The Windows 9x startup splash screen is controlled by the file C:\Logo.sys. If the file is present the image in the file will appear when booting to Windows. If not, the standard Windows splash screen is inside the file C:\IO.sys . The file IO.sys is more than a bmp file so do not change this file with a bmp. In Windows ME the startup screen is controlled by the IO.sys file. And adding a Logo.sys file seems to not work. You must also have the setting Logo=1 in the MSDOS.sys file for the splash screens to work.

The Windows 95 Please wait is controlled by the file Logow.sys in the windows folder, Windows 98 is Logow.w98, ME does not use this file. The shut down screen is controlled by the file Logos.sys also in the Windows folder.

Customizing the logo screen file must be 320 x 400 in size and 256 in color; RGB encoded bmp file.

Setup stops on Windows 2000/Windows XP
There are several reasons why setup will hang, but I did find the work around. After checking all the settings in the BIOS and reading MS knowledge base I figured out that the BUS Master IDE controller was not compatible with Windows XP and Windows 2000. I found that pressing the F7 instead of F6 (as prompted) key when setup asks for a RAID or SCSI driver allowed me to install both 2000 and XP. After pressing the F7 key You need to wait a few minutes for setup to continue.The F7 key will tell setup to install a different driver then the default driver.

If the F7 key trick does not work you need to start removing hardware. Also if you have Goback or similar software you need to disable it.

Unable to open files on my zip drive
Here is the question I received:
I am having a problem with trying to open files stored on a zip drive. I have been using these files over the past several months all using Fast View to open the files. The files show that they have been previously opened with Fast View since the files on the disk all show the Fast View Logo. Every time I try to open these files I get a message saying that "The format of this file is not supported by Fast View".

You can try copying a file or two to your hard drive and see if you can open it there. If not than the FAT has been corrupted. If you used the Zip Disk on an NT machine try reopening the files on that machine. ( I have personally found that if I created a Zip Disk on a Windows 9x machine and attempted to view them on an NT machine the FAT would become corrupted if the Zip Drive unit was hot.)

Control Panel Applet cannot be loaded
Here is the question I received:
When I click on control panel. I get a message that tells me that an applet cannot be loaded. What does this mean and how do I fix it?

If you get a message box that states a resource or applet cannot be loaded this normally means one of two things. 1) The applet file (.cpl) associated with the applet not loaded is corrupt. 2) The Registry information for that applet is corrupt or the Key containing the needed information is corrupt.

First, attempt to replace the cpl file and reboot. With Windows ME you can delete the file and Windows will replace it automatically if it is a standard Windows applet. If this does not work you will need to restore the Registry with a good backup.

If the applet in question is not needed, you can add a line in the Windows\Control.ini. Assuming that the applet is the joystick applet and you do not have a joystick then the entry will look like the following:
[don't load]
Be sure you locate the correct file in the System or System32 folder and enter the correct file name.

Out of memory error
Out of memory errors are normally a catch all error. Meaning when an error occurs that is not planned on the error falls passed the expected errors and displays this message. There is some error in the program like to much information being posted within the program. Example: a program is listing the files in a folder and there are more then 32,786 files the programmer did not plan on this so you may get the Out of memory error. Or a program is loading and not all its required files are present for it to get all the required information for it to load, you may get this message.

Windows Installer error
The Windows Installer service could not be accessed' on Windows XP?

When you attempt to install a program that uses Windows Installer, such as Office XP, you receive: "The Windows Installer service could not be accessed. This can occur if you are running in safe mode or if the Windows Installer is not correctly installed. "

This error is probably the result of a damaged registration service. To resolve this issue:
1. Open a CMD.EXE prompt.
2. Type msiexec /unregister and press Enter.
3. Type msiexec /regserver and press Enter.

Command Interpreter not found
When you get this message it means that the file was not found. Either because it is missing from the boot drive or your boot drive is not working. The file could also destroyed because of a FAT error. is used on Windows versions that load on DOS such as Windows 3.0, 95, 98, and ME. is not used on NT, 2000, XP. They use the file NTDRL to load. The BIOS reads the boot section of the drive to know which file to load. If the system is on the NT platform and you get this error then the boot sector is damaged or the hard drive is damage.

Files open with incorrect program
When you click on a file type and it opens with a program that cannot view it, or the incorrect program it is assoicated incorrectly in the Registry. Example: You want to open a DOC file and Windows Media trys to open it. To repair the file extension find a DOC file, hold the shift key down and double click on it. The Open With dialog window will be displayed. Now seletc the program you want to open the file with, in this case you would select Wordpad or Word. Place a check mark in the box "Always open with" and click "Open". Now all your DOC files will open with Wordpad.

Windows cannot find Program.exe to open ...
Do you get a message for Windows stating " ... cannot find ?????.exe" to open this file type? Well this is easy to repair. Locate the file type (file extension) in the Windows Explorer, while holding the Shift key down right click the file. The context menu will appear with the "Open with" option. Select it and locate the program on your hard drive that you want to open this file type with. Make sure that you check the box on the Open with windows that say "Always open with". Windows will change the need entries in the Registry to make that file type always open with the program you have selected.